Mega Taiga Auction!
Posted by Starwolf24 3814 days ago
Bidding ends in ...
Hello! I found a Mega Taiga Biome and was told it was worth millions! I'll start at 500k. The money is going towards my clan, Cantown's, funds for a section in the mall! We all wish to have shops so we can sell the items we find! I do hope you participate in this auction! Thank you!
Once again the auction starts at 500k
This auction is 3 days long.
My user is Starwolf24 and my nickname is JohnEggs

Thank you and have a nice day! ;w;

Starting bid: 500000 Famcoins
Current bid: 500000 Famcoins by ... No one has bid yet!
Total bids so far: 0

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